Search place in Europe

313 places found for country Ireland

Nr Name Europe Country Region/Province SubRegion Country-Part
151 GoreyWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East Southeast
152 GortWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     West Center
153 GortahorkWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Border North
154 GraiguenamanaghWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East Southeast
155 GranardWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Midland Northeast
156 GreystonesWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
157 HacketstownWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East Southeast
158 HeadfordWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     West Northwest
159 HospitalWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-West Southwest
160 InishannonWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West Southwest
161 InishkeenWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Border Northeast
162 InishmoreWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     West West
163 InnfieldWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
164 JulianstownWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
165 KanturkWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West Southwest
166 KellsWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
167 KenmareWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West Southwest
168 KentstownWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
169 KilbegganWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Midland Center
170 KilcockWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
171 KilcormacWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Midland Center
172 KilcullenWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
173 KilcumminWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West Southwest
174 KildareWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
175 KilfinnaneWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-West Southwest
176 KilkeeWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-West West
177 KilkennyWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East Southeast
178 KillWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
179 KillalaWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     West North
180 KillaloeWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-West Center
181 KillarneyWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West Southwest
182 KilleighWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Midland Center
183 KillishandraWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Border Northeast
184 KillorglinWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West Southwest
185 KillucanWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Midland East
186 KillybegsWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Border North
187 KillygordanWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Border North
188 KilmacanogeWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
189 KilmacthomasWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East South
190 KilmallockWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-West Southwest
191 KilmessanWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-East East
192 KilmoreWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East Southeast
193 KilrushWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Mid-West West
194 KilsallaghanWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Dublin East
195 KilsheelanWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-East South
196 KiltamaghWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     West North
197 KingscourtWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Border Northeast
198 KinnegadWest Europe         Ireland     Border Midland and Western     Midland East
199 KinsaleWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     South-West South
200 KinsaleyWest Europe         Ireland     Southern and Eastern     Dublin East

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