Hotels at Stare Kupiski Hotels at Stare Kupiski
Stare Kupiski

west Cisów-Las poland north Wizna poland Stare Kuchmy poland nearest Nowe Kupiski poland Stare Kurowo poland south Kozi Róg poland east Międzyleś poland

Stare Kupiski

General information - Location

Location in country Northeast
Location in EuropeCentral Europe
Coordinates (WGS84)Long: 22.0003,Lat: 53.1928 marker
Elevation111 meter above sea level
Local time5:16:53am
Name province/region (Województwo)Podlaskie
Wiki-website Subregion (Powiat)Łomżyński
Name Sub(sub)region - municipalityŁomża

Nearest 5 places
Placename Distance Direction
1 Nowe Kupiski1.6 km WestNorthWest
2 Bożenica2.2 km WestSouthWest
3 Janowo3 km South
4 Stare Sierzputy3 km SouthSouthWest
5 Sierzputy Młode3.4 km South

Nearest 3 capitals
Capitalname Country Distance Direction
1 WarszawaPoland126 km SouthSouthWest
2 Vilnius   Lithuania272 km NorthEast
3 Minsk   Belarus371 km EastNorthEast

Characteristics - Physical Geography

The Baltic Sea is the nearest seacoast with a distance of around 196 km (direction NorthWest).The coastline is located in another country namely Russia.The place is situated in the rivercatchment named Narew main - Upper, part of the larger catchment area Wisla. The nearest bigger lake is Jezioro Pogubie Wielkie (7.6 km2 at a height of around 1 meter above sea level) at a distance of 44.6 km in NorthNorthWestern direction).

The most nearby international border is the Polish-Belarusian border with a straight distance of 116.1 km in EastNorthEastern direction. The estimated travel distance is around 163 km.
Elevation around place: low location: 100%, The hills are mainly northeastern orientated. The surroundings of the place have a rural character (very sparsely urbanised). The most common land use in the area is agriculture.

Name area (subregions, nature area, hills, mountains, landscape)
Pozaalpejska Europa Srodkowa - Niziny Srodkowopolskie - Nizina Pólnocnomazowiecka - Dolina Dolnej Narwi

Nearby scheduled flights are operated from (national) airport Warsaw Chopin Airport (at a distance of 134 km and direction SouthSouthWest).The closest smaller (subnational) airport is Olsztyn-Mazury Airport (at a distance of 78 km in WestNorthWestern direction).

Landscape - Landuse (within 5km)

 Forest   10.9 km2 
 Agriculture   60.1 km2 
 Urban area   7.6 km2 

Climate - Temperature and Precipitation

Location of Stare Kupiski in country Poland

Stare Kupiski at Physical map (height map)

Tourist information - Travel Guide

Nearest 3 UNESCO-sites
Name Country Distance Direction
1 Historic Centre of WarsawPoland123 km SouthSouthWest
2 Białowieża ForestBelarus,Poland143 km East
3 Castle of the Teutonic Order in MalborkPoland218 km WestNorthWest

Nearest Natura2000-area
Sitename Country Distance Direction
Dolina Dolnej NarwiPL1.2 km NorthEast

Social media - Maps

Youtube filmpje van Stare KupiskiVideo's op youtube van Stare Kupiski
Vimeo Stare KupiskiVideo's op Vimeo
TikTok Stare KupiskiTikTok
Instagram Stare KupiskiInstagram
flickr foto's en afbeeldingen van Stare KupiskiFlickr
IMDB Stare Kupiski Filming Location IMDB Stare Kupiski
TikTok Stare KupiskiTikTok
Bings mapsBings maps

Relief: Altitude classes in percent (within 5km)

Relief: slope classes in percent (within 5km)

Current weather at Łomżyca

Type of weather in Łomżycaovercast clouds weericoon
Current temperature: 2 degrees Celcius
Rain last 3 hours : No precipitation
Wind: 3.87 mtr/sec (windforce - bft 3)
Wind direction: West
Air pressure: 1019 mb
Humidity: 99 %
Daylength at 18 December 2024:7 hour and 32 minutes
Sunrise :07:42 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset :15:14 Europe/Amsterdam

Weather coming 24 hours

Łomżyca - PL (longitude: 22.0003, latitude: 53.1928)
Distance weather station to place (direction NW): 0 Kilometers

4 degrees
1019 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
7 degrees
1017 mbar
light rainweericoon
5 degrees
1015 mbar
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6 degrees
1012 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
7 degrees
1009 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
7 degrees
1007 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
8 degrees
1006 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
8 degrees
1006 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon

5 days Weather forecast: Temperature - Pressure and Precipitation

Pressure (mbar)
Wind speed (km/h)

Cloud cover %
precipitation (mm)
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