Hotels at Barwick In Elmet Hotels at Barwick In Elmet
Barwick In Elmet

west Swanwick england north Shipley england Barwick england nearest Scholes england Baschurch england south Cuddy Hill england east Horley england

Barwick In Elmet

General information - Location

Part ofUnited Kingdom
Location in country North
Location in EuropeWest Europe
Coordinates (WGS84)Long: -1.3928,Lat: 53.8305 marker
Elevation76 meter above sea level
Local time1:47:52am
Name province/region (Country)England
Wiki-website Subregion (Metropolitan District)Leeds
Name Harewood

Nearest 5 places
Placename Distance Direction
1 Scholes2.1 km West
2 Kiddal Lane End2.3 km North
3 Aberford3.3 km EastSouthEast
4 Thorner3.8 km NorthNorthWest
5 Garforth4.4 km South

Nearest 3 capitals
Capitalname Country Distance Direction
1 Douglas   Isle-of-man205 km WestNorthWest
2 Glasgow   Scotland285 km NorthNorthWest
3 Cardiff    Wales286 km SouthWest

Characteristics - Physical Geography

The North Sea is the nearest seacoast with a distance of around 64 km (direction EastSouthEast).The place is situated in the rivercatchment named Humber. The nearest bigger lake (reservoir) is Eccup Reservoir (1 km2 at a distance of 10.1 km in NorthWestern direction).

The most nearby international border is the English-Welsh border with a straight distance of 124 km in WestSouthWestern direction. The estimated travel distance is around 174 km.
Elevation around place: low location: 100%, The hills are mainly southern orientated. The most common land use in the area is agriculture.
Nearby scheduled flights are operated from (national) airport Manchester Airport (at a distance of 80 km and direction WestSouthWest).

Landscape - Landuse (within 5km)

 Forest   6.6 km2 
 Agriculture   59 km2 
 Urban area   11.8 km2 
 Infrastructure   0.6 km2 

Climate - Temperature and Precipitation

Location of Barwick In Elmet in country England

Barwick In Elmet at Physical map (height map)

Tourist information - Travel Guide

Nearest 3 UNESCO-sites
Name Country Distance Direction
1 SaltaireUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland26 km West
2 Studley Royal Park including the Ruins of Fountains AbbeyUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland34 km North
3 Derwent Valley MillsUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland90 km SouthSouthWest

Social media - Maps

Youtube filmpje van Barwick In ElmetVideo's op youtube van Barwick In Elmet
Vimeo Barwick In ElmetVideo's op Vimeo
TikTok Barwick In ElmetTikTok
Instagram Barwick In ElmetInstagram
flickr foto's en afbeeldingen van Barwick In ElmetFlickr
IMDB Barwick In Elmet Filming Location IMDB Barwick In Elmet
TikTok Barwick In ElmetTikTok
Bings mapsBings maps

Relief: Altitude classes in percent (within 5km)

Relief: slope classes in percent (within 5km)

Current weather at Scholes

Type of weather in Scholesovercast clouds weericoon
Current temperature: 12 degrees Celcius
Rain last 3 hours : No precipitation
Wind: 8.34 mtr/sec (windforce - bft 5)
Wind direction: South South West
Air pressure: 1000 mb
Humidity: 85 %
Daylength at 18 December 2024:7 hour and 25 minutes
Sunrise :09:20 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset :16:44 Europe/Amsterdam

Weather coming 24 hours

Scholes - GB (longitude: -1.3928, latitude: 53.8305)
Distance weather station to place (direction ONO): 0 Kilometers

13 degrees
998 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
12 degrees
996 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
11 degrees
1000 mbar
light rainweericoon
10 degrees
1003 mbar
light rainweericoon
9 degrees
1003 mbar
light rainweericoon
7 degrees
1001 mbar
light rainweericoon
5 degrees
999 mbar
light rainweericoon
6 degrees
999 mbar
moderate rainweericoon

5 days Weather forecast: Temperature - Pressure and Precipitation

Pressure (mbar)
Wind speed (km/h)

Cloud cover %
precipitation (mm)
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